
Picture is a striking black and white photo of the remains of a timber roof. The photographer is standing beneath the roof looking up. The structure of the roof is in poor condition, there are no tiles or other covering remaining, and parts of the roof timbers have fallen away, leaving a geometric pattern of right angles against a grey white sky.

Hello and welcome.

Here I blog occasionally about the entangled bank of human coevolution with technology. My work explores histories and futures of human relationships and inter-dependencies with advanced technologies. I am interested in understanding how we develop, interact with and enact technologies, and how this influences our selves, our communities and societies, our identities and values, and ecologies.

Above all, I am seeking ways to rewild our relationships with technology in order to support the design of regenerative futures.

My writing, research and consultancy work draw on my PhD in history and philosophy of technology, as well as 20 plus years working in research, development and innovation in educational technology in the corporate world and universities, and current research towards a dissertation on regenerative innovation for a masters degree in technology management.

Thanks for looking. I hope you find my work curious and interesting.

(Photo credit: AJ Schroetlin (2013) ‘Trip to Pawnee Grasslands’. https://flic.kr/p/e37DbH (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED))

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